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2.40 / 50 gr.

Dill, in addition to giving a strong, spicy, appetizing taste, has many medicinal properties.

SKU: HBF1 Category: Tags: , ,

Dill, in addition to giving a strong, spicy, appetizing taste, has many medicinal properties. It contains a number of nutrients and compounds that are believed to aid digestion and reduce excess gas. It can also soothe menstrual disorders and boost the immune system. Since it also contains a large number of anti-inflammatory substances, they can help protect against arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

Dill's properties come from certain compounds called monoterpenes, as well as flavonoids, minerals and amino acids. The health benefits of dill come from the organic compounds, vitamins and minerals. These include potent monoterpenes such as limonene, carbonene and anechofuran, as well as flavonoids such as vipine and kaempferol.

In terms of vitamins and minerals, according to the USDA's National Nutrient Database, it has a significant amount of vitamins A and C, as well as traces of folate, iron and manganese. In summary, dill can help with insomnia, can help maintain bone health, can help manage diabetes, prevents excess gas, boosts our body's natural immunity, reduces diarrhea, relieves pain of arthritis due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties, stimulates menstruation, treats respiratory disorders, helps overall oral care. In addition, dill is relaxing and increases strength and urination to help remove toxins, excess salts and water from the body. In addition, it is a carminative (helps remove excess gas), antispasmodic (prevents cramps) and an anti-inflammatory. It may also have anti-cancer properties.

Weight N/A

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