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Chelmos Koumarias Honey 480gr

8.50 / 480 γρ.

Virgin honey has a characteristic strong, very full bitter taste with aromatic notes of bitter caramel.



Koumaria honey is produced by the Souka family on the slopes of Achaia. The flowering of the virginia begins in November, while its flowers give pollen and nectar until late Spring.

Virgin honey contains:
– την ουσία Arbutin η οποία καθαρίζει το αίμα και ρυθμίζει το επίπεδο της χοληστερίνης σε αυτό.
– τον πολυσακχαρίτη, Τυρανόζη ο οποίος όπως αποδείχθηκε πειραματικά αυξάνει τη ζωή των κυττάρων.
– το ένζυμο Διαστάση ή Αμυλάση, το οποίο διασπά το άμυλο.


It has a characteristic strong, very full bitter taste with aromatic notes of bitter caramel.

Nutritional value:

It is very rich in trace elements and vitamins and is one of the best options for stimulating the body. The natural antibiotic substances (which it contains to a large extent) have the effect of making it a protective shield for the body against various diseases.
It is also used as a diuretic and antiseptic of the urinary system as well as in cases of mild bronchial infections. calories that honey contains are less than other honeys due to the low percentage of glucose and fructose and thus consists of cases δίαιτας καθώς και για Type B diabetics.


It does not present a strong aroma.


The color is initially yellowish and when the honey matures it acquires a dark copper color.


It crystallizes relatively quickly and acquires a buttery texture.


Finally, according to an analysis of the Apiculture Institute of Bremen and the Kraft company of Munich, it contains:
0.0% sucrose (common sugar)
36.1% fructose
28.9 glucose
1.7% maltose
1% tyranose
19.5% moisture
Its ph ranges at 4.5

In our country, the honey of the maidenhair tree and the chestnut tree are unfortunately little known. However, they are known and sought after for their beneficial properties in the markets of Central Europe, Russia and the Arab countries.

Weight 0.65 kg