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Ταχίνι Ολικής Άλεσης 5 kg. – Bean & Herb


Bean & Herb Peanut Butter has a unique flavor and texture that makes it unique and gives it a special identity.


Bean & Herb's tahini is made in Greece, comes from 100% whole sesame seeds and preserves all the beneficial components of the seed. It is the best tahini you will ever eat!!

Φτιαγμένο από τις καλύτερες ποικιλίες σουσαμιού, ψημένο σε χαμηλές θερμοκρασίες για να διατηρεί αναλλοίωτα τα θρεπτικά συστατικά του, αλεσμένο σε πετρόμυλο.

It has been classified as a superfood because it is of high nutritional value and a very good source of:

– Proteins rich in sulfur amino acids which, combined with foods containing lysine, have greater nutritional value and help the liver and kidneys to function properly.

– Vitamins of the B complex such as B1, B2, E (which protects the body from aging) and niacin, useful for children.

– Metals such as calcium (to prevent osteoporosis), iron (for physical and mental well-being), potassium, zinc (to increase the body's defenses), phosphorus, magnesium (has a soothing, calming effect, reduces headaches and migraines) , manganese and selenium (they have a strong antioxidant effect as they fight free radicals), copper (to reduce joint pain).

- Vegetable fibers which help the good functioning of the intestine.

– Polyunsaturated (o-6) and monounsaturated fatty acids which contribute to lowering cholesterol.

- Phytosterols and lignans that act as antioxidants and detoxifiers and contribute to the reduction of cholesterol and hypertension in the body.

It does not contain any cholesterol.

It has an anti-cancer effect and inhibits chronic diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cataracts, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease).

As part of a balanced and daily diet, it prevents osteoporosis, protects the heart, strengthens the functioning of the nervous system and strengthens the body.

Weight 5.50 kg