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Whole Wheat Spaghetti


Whole wheat is one of the oldest types of wheat in Greece.


Whole wheat is one of the oldest types of wheat in Greece.

It is a grain ideal for mild form and sustainable agriculture, while it does not need fertilizers and pesticides, being excellent food while its processing gives products of high nutritional value.

The durum wheat is one of the oldest cereal grains since it has been cultivated in Greece since the Paleolithic period. Later, in the bronze age, the other grains appear such as single grain, dinkel and later mutations such as soft, hard.

According to findings in excavations in Asia Minor, durum wheat seeds were discovered from 12,000 BC. After all, it is known that the ancient Greeks ate bread made from two-grain wheat, considering its nutritional value very important. In ancient times, they did not eat bread made from simple wheat (single grain). This they had as food for the animals and called it pyrrhos. We have relevant references from Homer in the Iliad and also from various classics. In fact, it is said that Alexander the Great fed his army only with this particular grain.

Weight 0.5 kg