Αγκινάρα Φύλλα (Αγκιναριά, Αγριαγκινάρα, Αρκοτσουνάρα, Cynara cardunculus)
1.40€ / 50 gr.
Artichoke leaves are sometimes used to treat various health conditions.
Artichoke leaves are sometimes used to treat various health conditions.
For example, some consumers use the extract to treat hangovers, high blood pressure, anemia, arthritis, kidney problems, liver problems, snake bites, water retention, and other problems. Artichoke leaves also contain antioxidants, such as flavonoids. These chemicals are also found in a variety of other, colorful vegetables and fruits and are thought to play a role in reducing the oxidation of LDL, which contributes to atherosclerosis.
*The information given on our website is purely informative and does not replace the advice of your treating physician. Bean & Herb does not advocate self-medication. Bean & Herb does not support την self-healing.