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Flour from Bamboo Fibers - Ola Bio 200g.


Fiber-rich flour from pure bamboo fiber, with zero carbohydrate content.


Fiber-rich flour from pure bamboo fiber, with zero carbohydrate content. Ιδανικό για όσους ακολουθούν διατροφή KETO, DUKAN κτλ

The bamboo shoots, from which the flour comes, have a high content of vegetable fibers, proteins, vitamins and minerals, while they have a minimal content of fat and sugars.

Bamboo fibers help to clean blood vessels and blood and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
They protect the brain, reduce cholesterol, improve circulation/perfusion of the brain.

This flour also acts as a diuretic and detoxifier. It contains vitamins, helping the immune system.

It is suitable for diabetics, athletes and dieters.

Είναι άγευστο και δεν περιέχει υδατάνθρακες, αλλά μόνο φυτικές ίνες.

It has a fine texture, does not stick when baking, is ideal for making pizza and you can add it to baked goods such as cakes as well as bread dough.

Adding it to cakes and bread dough gives it a crunchy taste.

Weight 0.22 kg

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